• Terminal recording with Asciinema

    Terminal recording with Asciinema

    Recently, I had to record a little demo of cd-surfer: A simple TUI file explorer, a terminal app I wrote. Here is the result: I used Asciinema to record to a .cast file, and Gifcast to convert the .cast file into a .gif file. Asciinema is the top result when you google “terminal recording”. Despite […]

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  • cd-surfer: A simple TUI file explorer

    cd-surfer: A simple TUI file explorer

    cd-surfer is a replacement for the endless cd ls cd ls … cycle on linux shells. It is meant to be a simple and fast Text-based User Interface file manager. Here is the link to cd-surfer´s Github repo Some features: In-folder search demo: Despite that it is still lacking a lot o features I want, for a weekend project it is good […]

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  • Paper: A method for generating 3D thermal models

    Paper: A method for generating 3D thermal models

    This is a PREPRINT version of the paper published here (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2017.08.009) (Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine) in August 2017. This work is based on my master thesis in Electrical Engineering / Biomedical Engineering done in 2015.

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  • Compiling rtmidi with CGO / Golang

    Compiling rtmidi with CGO / Golang

    In this post I write a step-by-step guide on how to build the gomidi library for Go, using the rtmidi driver for windows. The process was very painful in my machine, when I tried to build it using an old installation of MinGW and TDM-GCC. But if you are starting from scratch, you should have […]

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  • Simple Midi Controller (2/2)

    Simple Midi Controller (2/2)

    In this post I will finish the build of the MIDI controller from the part 1, focusing on the PC software side that forwards UART MIDI messages to a MIDI port. In the physical world, MIDI actually IS run over UART. If you have a MIDI device with a DIN-5 connector, it is pretty straightforward […]

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  • Simple Midi Controller (1/2)

    Simple Midi Controller (1/2)

    I just wanted a simple MIDI controller with some potentiometers, so I decided to build one with an Arduino, a case and some pots I had laying around. The concept is very simple: On the Arduino, I made a loop to read the potentiometers values, convert it to MIDI messages and sent it over UART. […]

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  • Nginx: Proxy, basic auth and URI to Port

    Nginx: Proxy, basic auth and URI to Port

    Objectives I have a Digital Ocean droplet, and wanted to OS Ubuntu 20.04 on a Digital Ocean droplet. DNS Config I created the following A records pointing to the droplet static IP: Nginx install Basically: More details here Nginx configuration The basic reverse proxy configuration was made with the help of this online nginx config […]

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  • Hackeando o STM32-VL-DISCOVERY para funcionar no STM32-Cube-IDE

    Hackeando o STM32-VL-DISCOVERY para funcionar no STM32-Cube-IDE

    A STM32-VL-DISCOVERY é uma placa de desenvolvimento antiga, que não é mais suportada na nova IDE STM32-CubeIDE da STM. Mesmo assim, o microcontrolador target dela, o STM32F100RB, um ARM de 32-bits, ainda está na ativa e pode ser utilizado sem riscos de descontinuação em novos projetos. Como tenho uma placa dessas e não queria jogá-la […]

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  • Modelagem e impressão 3D de peça para guitarra

    Modelagem e impressão 3D de peça para guitarra

    Este é artigo é o log de um mini-projeto de impressão 3D, de uma peça que precisei customizar para minha guitarra.A peça que modelei e imprimi é esta aqui: Motivação Há algum tempo, “transplantei” os captadores ativos (EMG81/85) de uma guitarra Cort X-TH para uma Cort X11 (que vem com captadores passivos).Captadores ativos precisam de […]

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  • Como gravar um STM32-VL-DISCOVERY com o ST-LINK v1

    Como gravar um STM32-VL-DISCOVERY com o ST-LINK v1

    Neste artigo vou mostrar como gravar um binário em uma placa de desenvolvimento STM32-VL-DISCOVERY, que possui um debugger antigo, o ST-LINK v1. O ST-LINK v1 já não é mais suportado pela STMicroeletronics, o que causa dor de cabeça para quem possui essa versão do debugger, uma vez que as IDEs atuais não consegue se comunicar […]

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