Tag: controller

  • Simple Midi Controller (2/2)

    Simple Midi Controller (2/2)

    In this post I will finish the build of the MIDI controller from the part 1, focusing on the PC software side that forwards UART MIDI messages to a MIDI port. In the physical world, MIDI actually IS run over UART. If you have a MIDI device with a DIN-5 connector, it is pretty straightforward […]

  • Simple Midi Controller (1/2)

    Simple Midi Controller (1/2)

    I just wanted a simple MIDI controller with some potentiometers, so I decided to build one with an Arduino, a case and some pots I had laying around. The concept is very simple: On the Arduino, I made a loop to read the potentiometers values, convert it to MIDI messages and sent it over UART. […]